Friday, May 30, 2014

Marriage conference 2

The second marriage conference is in full swing.  Please pray for the success of this two day conference. 

Dave and Paulette Lambertson

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Even in a drought year here in California we take water for granted.  The hotel where the Romania team is staying was without any water for over 20 hours.  They are happy to report that it is back on and they are able to proceed with the next conference, clean and stink free! 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Reflections on conference

Sometimes you wonder what impact you are having on any given trip.  Here is a note received following our first Marriage Conference this past weekend.  

Dear Tim & Terry; David & Paulette,

Your ministry through this conference has been a sweet dessert for our hearts. We have been passing through some difficulties in our own marriage and your testimonies have been so helpful and clear in helping us solving our own inner conflicts! Thank you very much for your open heart and we are thankful to God for your ministry.

You will find out in Heaven how many lives have been touched by your involvement in this project! We have used and we are still using the love maps and love language in order to know each other better!

Thank you again very much for your blessings! 

With love & appreciation,

(Conference attendee)


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Monday - Day 5

This morning we had breakfast with Ionut and Saida at their home. What a great time we've had with them.  
We then drove to Serel to see Ovidiu and two of his churches.  They are so proud of the progress being made at this site.  They are adding a Sunday school class downstairs, three dorm rooms and a bathroom upstairs, to house guest pastors, youth and perhaps mission teams, as well as a little open area upstairs where they one day hope to have a little library.

All of the construction is being done by the church members.  Today they were pouring cement which needed to be carried by the bucket load across the yard and into the downstairs room.  These ladies, some over 70 years old were amazing!

In the afternoon we were at John Vatran's for lunch and a visit.  In the evening we met with several of our FOPC supported pastor's and others with whom we share ministry. It was a great time of fellowship.

Paulette (for the Romania team)
                                                                     Cement work
                                                                    Monday night group
                                                                          Night service
                                                                   Ovidiu's  church by the water


Today there was a celebration of marriage Sunday at a large city church with 14 pastors participating. 


Today was an all day conference.  It was received well.  Everyone did a good job presenting, (Tim is a great teacher/trainer). 
We had a beautiful lunch with our participants and ended right at 5:00 p.m. 

Dede brought us back home as Inout was preaching in another town.  I believe we will be meeting with this church tomorrow.

Friday summary from Paulette

We spent a good portion of the day with Dede, Ionut, and Saida.  We drove to the church where the conference was going to be held.  A beautiful new church for this community. 
We then went to the city of Deva to pick up needed supplies and to do a little more printing. 
We had dinner back at our "home" for this week and then off to bed.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Romania Conference Team 2014

The Romania team - Tim & Terry Dakin and David & Paulette Lambertson made it to Romania yesterday afternoon.  Their flights were a little too close together but God is good and they amazingly made every connection.  They had to go through immigration in both Amsterdam and Germany even though they never left the secure areas. Their passports now have lots of pretty new stamps in them.  The immigration in Romania was the easiest to get through and they were met by Pastors Dede and Marius, dear friends of many at FOPC.

They went directly from the airport to meeting with another pastor, John from Arad.  John serves at a larger church in Arad and has 25 missionary churches in villages around the area and is very interested in having a team come to his area next year. 

Their first conference is on Saturday.  Please pray that the team will feel rested and healthy.  Traveling so far is hard and to hit the ground running at such a fast pace is even harder.